Friday, May 20, 2011

The RIGHT wing

I was raised in a Republican household, dabbled in the Lefty liberal ways in college, and am struggling to find a middle ground these days. The republican party touts themselves as the “old-fashioned” party, strong in morals, favoring small government and free market.
In theory, all that sounds great, only the GOP has little common sense in relation to the environment.
How can you blatantly ignore climate change? Whether or not climate change is caused by waste emissions or is part of a natural cycle, you can’t pretend it just doesn’t exist.
How is drilling in Alaska going to solve our long-term energy problems? Wouldn’t that be money better spent on renewable energy research, or resolving the issues we are still dealing with from past oil spills?
I recently heard a prominent republican politician railing against protecting more wild lands, talking about how natural conservation efforts undermine free market economy.
Newt Gingrich is touting the fact that if elected, he will do away with the EPA. While it’s not a perfect organization, there needs to be a Federal organization standing up for environmentally sound practices. I think we would spend less money improving what we already have than starting all over.
Both parties have pro’s and con’s. That’s the problem with bi-partisan politics. It’s nearly impossible to pick the lesser of two evils.
Whether or not socialized healthcare is a good thing, the longer people live, the more money they pay in taxes and put into the economy. Healthy people in general work harder longer. I think small government and free market economy is a good thing, regulation and government subsidization is a bad, morally bound leadership is a must.
What I think, though, is of no consequence. We need to realize as a country, that we should protect what we’ve been given and will give to our children and grandchildren. Our earth, natural resources and wild places are the most important things we have. We should do what we can to keep them safe.
Nature provides a free lunch, but only if we control our appetites. ~William Ruckelshaus
Beers on me

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